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Managing Mental Health Diseases Through Self-Analysis

Like any other physical health issue such as headache, muscle cramps, toothache, etc. our body gives us signals through painful sensations that cause distress, when a person is suffering from a serious mental illness, they might feel it with some or other symptoms that are disturbing. We are living a very busy life nowadays, which has become the reason for our negligence towards our mental health. In the daily hassles of everyday lives, we often let go of some major signals that our mind sends us, asking for help. Distress from mental health diseases might not be as painful as physical pain but it grows gradually which leads to serious problems. 

We have been seeing efforts regarding serious mental illness for quite some time. It has become very crucial to utilize the best of the knowledge regarding mental health diseases to help our loved ones and ourselves from diving into that deep ocean of suffering.  

Importance of Self Awareness:

Some moments in life leave us perplexed, leaving us with no option but to give up. Self-awareness is the key to avoiding the trauma triggers and mastering the art of letting go when situations get out of hand. It encourages growth from within. It is the rule of the universe that no one is made to perfection and we all have some or other parts missing in our lives that we need to fix. To know yourself better, try not to normalize your shortcomings rather try to accept them and do some self-analysis to understand your emotions better. Knowing what triggers you and why will help you solve the problem before the damage is done. Sometimes serious mental illness or past traumas disturb our ability to make decisions that are in our favor. Try to avoid it by talking with someone you trust and taking their advice to choose what’s best for you. 

Some of the Most Common Mental Health Diseases:

Even though, there are millions of mental health diseases from which people are suffering. But, we are going to discuss some of the most commonly known mental health diseases to help you in doing proper self-analysis:


One of the most common mental health diseases, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder disturbs a person’s ability to pay attention. Where the brain is focused on one certain part of life while ignoring the rest of the others. It can be diagnosed through the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty in paying attention
  • Forgetting things
  • Talking very fast
  • Making mistakes in organizing things in order and others


Bipolar Disorder

Another mental health illness that involves severe high and low mood swings, Bipolar disorder stays with the suffering person. It consists of two severe mood phases called hypomania and severe depression. Some of the most common symptoms of Bipolar disorder are:

  • High impulsive behavioral 
  • Hyperactive mood
  • Irrationality
  • Depression
  • Disturbed sleeping schedule
  • Restlessness 


PTSD known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be explained as a condition as a result of any life exploiting trauma which can be anything such as accidents, losing a loved one, robbery, sexual assault, etc. Anyone can develop PTSD depending on the intensity of the trauma. The common signs are:

  • Nightmares
  • Negative thoughts
  • Sleepless nights
  • Difficulty in concentrating due to flashbacks
  • Numbness


Obsessive Compulsive Order is another serious mental illness that is often mistaken for hygiene-conscious people but that is not only limited to that. It could be understood better with terms like obsessions, strong and continuous mental impulsive or compulsive thoughts about anything. Common signs are:

  • Obsession
  • Compulsive thoughts
  • Repetition of similar acts
  • Fear and distress


Known as the fear of the unknown, Anxiety is one of the most common and serious mental diseases that puts the body in a fight or flight situation, persuading the suffered one to stay alert 24/7 for unpleasant events. Common signs are:

  • Emotional distress
  • Stress
  • Fear
  • Tension 

sad girl


Last but not least, Depression is known as persistent sadness that does not allow a person to perform tasks to live a normal life. There are several misconceptions about depression however most of the common symptoms are:

  • Sadness
  • Disturbed Sleeping Pattern
  • Isolation
  • Unwanted Mood swings


The Social and Individual Risks Involved With Serious Mental Illness:

Suffering from serious mental illness is not only harmful to yourself but also to others around you including family members, colleagues, and others. Avoiding symptoms of mental health diseases may cause some very serious consequences that are harmful to society.

At the individual level, your ability to make serious or basic life decisions will be affected. Suffering from serious mental illness would harm your brain activities causing severe mood swings, and stress. It also affects your dietary habits, causing you to eat too little or too much which becomes a reason for physical health risks. Untreated serious mental diseases force a person to harm themselves, the consequences can be severe resulting in suicide attempts. 

Man is a social animal. The social relations that we maintain in everyday lives are the most affected when we talk about social mental illness risks, Moreover, the relationships that we maintain with our day-to-day connections including official relationships start to drift away due to behavioral changes which leads to isolation that contributes in making the mental health is getting way worse than before.

Find Ways to Resolve Serious Mental Illness:

It is better to find ways to resolve serious mental illness through:

  • Self-realization
  • Seeking help
  • Consult with a therapist
  • Communicate with family and friends
  • Meditate
  • Take proper medications if needed
  • A complete psychotherapy course
  • Help others, suffering from similar or any other mental health diseases.


To conclude this blog, we can say that prevention is better than cure. However, some of the mental illnesses which are discussed above are not avoidable but can be cured through proper medical assistance and guidance. Furthermore, we have discussed the importance of self-analysis in curing yourself before getting into serious trouble. Following and prevailing healthy atmosphere around yourself and doing exercises for your body and brain will provide positive results after some time and act as a healing factor in your journey.

Building a better tomorrow starts with nurturing health today

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